The Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) is the single most important tool to measure the economic growth rate of a State. As per the Advance estimates, the anticipated growth rate of of Odisha State in 2014-15 is 8.78 percent at Market prices in real terms at 2004-05 base. The anticipated growth rate is 8.08 percent as per factor cost (9.02% at current Market Prices). Odisha’s economy expects to recover with resilience and strength after an economic slowdown with a low growth rate of 2.21 percent in 2013-14 at Market prices in real terms (1st revised). An upswing in the growth rate in 2014-15 may be attributed to higher growth rates in industry and service sectors rather than agriculture sector. During 2014-15, the growth rates may be impressive in construction sub sector (21.56 percent), Transport, storage & communication sector (12.18 percent), banking insurance sub sector (11.09 percent) and community, social & personal services sector (9.90 percent) in 2014-15.
The downturn in State economy in 2013-14 may be attributed to the negative growth of 9.78 percent (at factor cost) in broad agriculture sector of the State due to the occurrence of severe cyclone “Phailin” followed by flash floods in October 2013. Agriculture production and procurement along with yield rates, paddy in particular, fell sharply in 2013-14 as compared to the bumper production in 2012-13. Manufacturing sector recorded very low growth rate of 2.16 percent (at factor cost) in 2013-14 (1st revised estimates) after a negative growth rate of 3.47 percent (at factor cost) in 2012-13 (2nd revised estimates). Stagnated growth rate in construction sub sector (-0.04 percent), trade, hotel & restaurants sub sector (0.17 percent) and negative growth rate in public administration sub sector (-1.98 percent) in 2013-14 added to the downswing of over all growth rate of Odisha during the year. However, few sub sectors although have lesser share of contribution to total GSDP of the State, like fishery (with 10.91 percent growth rate), transport by other means (7.48 percent), communication (13.02 percent growth rate), banking insurance (12.13 percent growth rate) and other services( 7.65 percent growth rate) grew impressively during 2013-14.
During 11th Plan period, banking and insurance subsectors of the State grew significantly with a robust annual average growth rate of 17.77 percent (at factor cost) followed by communication (12.73 percent), registered manufacturing (10.21 percent), transport by other means (11.15 percent), trade, hotel & restaurants (9.36 percent), storage (10.14 percent) and other services (8.50 percent). The banking sub sector (12.08 percent), storage(11.6 percent), transport by other means(10.4 percent) and fishery sub sector ( 10.3 percent ) registered notable annual average growth rates during the 1st three years of 12th plan period, Annex. 2.1 shows Gross and Net State Domestic Products both at current and constant (2004-05) prices from 1950-51 to 2014-15.

Contribution to the different sectors to GNP (Gross National Product) in Million |
Primary sector | 143407.2 |
Secondary sector | 67535 |
Tertiary sector | 49036.7 |
Total | 259978.9 |
Export Potential in Million Rupees |
Gross Export | 26614.68 |
Gross Import | NA |
Fish Production in Million Rupees |
Inland Fish Production | 26614.68 |
Marine Fish Production | 121.09 |
Socio Economic Activities (Labour % and Contribution to GNP in %) |
| Labour in % | GNP in % |
Cultivation | 38.7 | NA |
Agricultural | 25.1 | NA |
Livestock/Forestry/Fishing/Hunting/Plantation | 1.6 | 17.59 |
Mining & Quarrying | 0.8 | NA |
Manufacturing/Processing/Servicing/Repairs in Household Ind. | 2.7 | NA |
Manufacturing/Processing/Servicing/Repairs in Non-Household Ind. | 3.1 | NA |
Construction | 0.8 | 44.51 |
Trade & Commerce | 4.7 | 0.3 |
Transport,Storage & Communications | 1.5 | 9.55 |
Other Services | 8.3 | 27.41 |
Poverty |
Household below Poverty Line | NA |
No. of Poor | 17325666 |
Employed | 798000 |
Unemployed | 968000 |
Child Labour | NA |
N.B.:- The Given Socio Economic Activities data are upto 1991 Census. And the given data of Inland Fish Production is the total Fish Production.
ECONOMICS (Year-2001) |
Contribution to the different sectors to GNP (Gross National Product) in Million |
Primary sector | 133849.3 |
Secondary sector | 68472.2 |
Tertiary sector | 523957 |
Total | 726278.5 |
Export Potential in Million Rupees |
Gross Export | 8952.67 |
Gross Import | NA |
Fish Production in Million Rupees |
Inland Fish Production | 168.06 |
Marine Fish Production | 281.95 |
Socio Economic Activities (Labour % and Contribution to GNP in %) |
| Labour in % | GNP in % |
Cultivation | 38.7 | NA |
Agricultural | 25.1 | NA |
Livestock/Forestry/Fishing/Hunting/Plantation | 1.6 | 17.59 |
Mining & Quarrying | 0.8 | NA |
Manufacturing/Processing/Servicing/Repairs in Household Ind. | 2.7 | NA |
Manufacturing/Processing/Servicing/Repairs in Non-Household Ind. | 3.1 | NA |
Construction | 0.8 | 44.51 |
Trade & Commerce | 1.5 | 9.55 |
Transport,Storage & Communications | 1.5 | 9.55 |
Other Services | 8.3 | 27.41 |
Poverty |
Household below Poverty Line | NA |
No. of Poor | 17325666 |
Employed | 806000 |
Unemployed | 906000 |
Child Labour | 378000 |
N.B.:- The Given Socio Economic Activities data are upto 1991 Census.
ECONOMICS (Year-2002) |
Contribution to the different sectors to GNP (Gross National Product) in Million |
Primary sector | 151450.1 |
Secondary sector | 57121.7 |
Tertiary sector | 63185.1 |
Total | 271756.9 |
Export Potential in Million Rupees |
Gross Export | 29161.8 |
Gross Import | NA |
Fish Production in Million Rupees |
Inland Fish Production | 174.38 |
Marine Fish Production | 115.01 |
Socio Economic Activities (Labour % and Contribution to GNP in %) |
| Labour in % | GNP in % |
Cultivation | 24.1 | NA |
Agricultural | 14.7 | NA |
Livestock/Forestry/Fishing/Hunting/Plantation | NA | NA |
Mining & Quarrying | NA | NA |
Manufacturing/Processing/Servicing/Repairs in Household Ind. | 2.8 | NA |
Manufacturing/Processing/Servicing/Repairs in Non-Household Ind. | NA | NA |
Construction | NA | NA |
Trade & Commerce | NA | NA |
Transport,Storage & Communications | NA | NA |
Other Services | 25.6 | |
Poverty |
Household below Poverty Line | NA |
No. of Poor | NA |
Employed | NA |
Unemployed | 762000 |
Child Labour | NA |
N.B.:- The Given Socio Economic Activities data are upto 1991 Census.
ECONOMICS (Year-2003) |
Contribution to the different sectors to GNP (Gross National Product) in Million |
Primary sector | 157539 |
Secondary sector | 54990.8 |
Tertiary sector | 67700.4 |
Total | 280230.2 |
Export Potential in Million Rupees |
Gross Export | 40456.9 |
Gross Import | NA |
Fish Production in Million Rupees |
Inland Fish Production | 190.07 |
Marine Fish Production | 116.88 |
Socio Economic Activities (Labour % and Contribution to GNP in %) |
| Labour in % | GNP in % |
Cultivation | 24.1 | NA |
Agricultural | 14.7 | NA |
Livestock/Forestry/Fishing/Hunting/Plantation | NA | NA |
Mining & Quarrying | NA | NA |
Manufacturing/Processing/Servicing/Repairs in Household Ind. | 2.8 | NA |
Manufacturing/Processing/Servicing/Repairs in Non-Household Ind. | NA | NA |
Construction | NA | NA |
Trade & Commerce | NA | NA |
Transport,Storage & Communications | NA | NA |
Other Services | 25.6 | NA |
Poverty |
Household below Poverty Line | NA |
No. of Poor | NA |
Employed | NA |
Unemployed | 738000 |
Child Labour | NA |
N.B.:- The Given Socio Economic Activities data are upto 1991 Census.